Tag Archives: Administration

When it comes to error messages…

This post is both a tip about vsftpd‘s configuration and an example of what an error message should not look like. If you use vsftpd’s user_config_dir directive in order to set a directory that will hold configuration files for per-user customized server options, be warned that, if one of those files contains a directive whose…

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High traffic on the email server

I don’t know if 260000+ rejected attempts to relay email through an email server within a week should be considered an attack or just a considerable amount of bad traffic, but for my small server with the limited bandwidth this was an incident that I wouldn’t like to face on a regular basis. This article…

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.htaccess Cheat Sheet

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Apache is a very flexible web server implementation. The .htaccess files give the webmasters the ability to override the default server configuration on a per-directory basis, provided that httpd‘s configuration pernits the overrides of the htaccess file. I am aware that there are thousands of cheat sheets (aka ready-made recipes) out there, mostly implementing mod_rewrite…

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chroot Environment Howto

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The Slack World, a Slackware related online magazine has published a very good write-up about how to create a chroot environment. Tom Newsom writes in his article: In this document I shall be showing you how you can run, for testing purposes perhaps, two versions of Slackware simultaneously. Both will be fully fledged installs and…

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Server upgraded to Fedora 6

A long time has passed since Fedora 6 was released, many of the initial bugs have been fixed, so I decided to perform an upgrade of the installation on the server that powers this web site. Everything has gone well, despite the fact that a few strange things happened during the upgrade.

RPM and Initscripts compatibility between SUSE and Red Hat Linux

When it comes to business – despite the recent Microsoft-Novell deal -, interoperability and maximum compatibility between two major Linux distributions are of significant importance, as they can lead to less maintenance time, effort, trouble and costs. Having written that, I consider this article, which describes how to create RPM packages and initscripts that are…

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SELinux audit reports script

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Those who use a SELinux enabled distribution – more specifically those who have set the SELinux security layer to enforcing mode – will most probably know about the auditd daemon (part of the audit package in Fedora Core). By default, all SELinux messages are recorded to the syslog, but when auditd is running, then all…

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Howto: DHCP Server (dhcpd) Configuration


The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol or just DHCP provides networked devices with all the necessary parameters, IP addresses, network masks, the gateway or DNS servers IP addresses, so that they can actively participate in the network and start exchanging data with other devices or workstations. This automated operation, which greatly relieves the system administrator from…

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