Category Archives: Web Applications

bbPress for WordPress

Some of you might have noticed that there have been some changes in the way readers can interact with over the last month. Comments and trackbacks are being disabled 20-30 days after the publication of a post, while a new facility, a discussion board, has been set up in order to compensate for the…

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And the winner is: RSS 2.0

G-Loaded! has always been a supporter of the Atom Syndication Format, more specifically of the Atom 1.0 Specification, because of its flexibility and extended features. Although this specification has been around for quite a while now, it has not been fully adobted by the major web indexing services or by popular web applications yet.

WordPress 2.1

WordPress v2.1 has been officially released a few days ago and, as you may have noticed, I have upgraded my website. A little tweaking to some of the plugins was necessary though but, hopefully, everything is in place and working fine now. I wonder why all these small issues with the latest wordpress releases or…

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