Epiphany Python Console – Open New Tab

This is a quick tip about how to open new tabs with Python code in Epiphany.

One of the available functions is provided by Epiphany’s default shell object:

epiphany.ephy_shell_get_default().new_tab( window, tab, url, flags )

Here follows the info on how to use it to open new tabs. Open up the Epiphany Python console and start writing:

import epiphany
tab = window.get_active_tab()
url = 'http://www.python.org'
flags = epiphany.NEW_TAB_IN_EXISTING_WINDOW \
    | epiphany.NEW_TAB_APPEND_LAST \
    | epiphany.NEW_TAB_OPEN_PAGE

For an overview of what flags are available when dealing with new tabs, issue the following statement:

import epiphany
a = dir(epiphany)
for k in a:
    if k.startswith('NEW_TAB'):
        print k

Special thanks to Dieguito at the #epiphany IRC channel for directing me to the right function. The rest was really easy. I just grep-ed the epiphany-extensions source code and some examples of the usage of the new_tab() function came up. They were in C, but were really easy to understand.

Epiphany Python Console – Open New Tab by George Notaras is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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