Finding professional screencasts, which cover the installation of an operating system in a virtual machine from the beginning to the end and also give emphasis to all the details that make the users happy, is still difficult. The following is a very well-made 12-minute screencast about the installation of OpenSolaris in VirtualBox. The whole video is divided into seven chapters:
- Introduction
- Getting the software
- Installing Virtualbox
- Creating the Virtual Machine
- Starting the LiveCD
- Installing OpenSolaris
- Installing the Guest Additions
Although this screencast has been made specifically for OpenSolaris, it is an excellent video tutorial about how to get started with VirtualBox and install any operating system you like.
I wish all OS installation screencasts were of the quality of this one.
Install OpenSolaris in VirtualBox – Screencast by George Notaras is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Copyright © 2009 - Some Rights Reserved
I wasn’t able to get OpenSolaris to run on VirtualBox at all. I’m running a Turion64 CPU on Windows Vista with 4GB RAM, and running VirtualBox 2.4. Using 2008.11 or 2009.06, my install just locked up right after it started booting. See:
Any ideas?